Spare a thought for our dedicated maintenance teams in this delayed Spring.
Well Spring has certainly got off to a slow start, what with the snow and the now the rain again. We were just saying (while tucked up in the cozy office) what a pain it is.
But then I remembered how #dedicated Bob and Mark are, they rarely grumble about the #weather. In fact the only time I hear them complain about the weather is when it slows a job down or means the finished standard will be affected. That's how dedicated they are.
“There is no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothing.”
"So How Do You Do It Bob?"
I asked him one particularly wet #Spring day last week.
"Well we just get on with it really and when it gets really bad we go and have a cup of tea in the van. Of course its always nice when a customer makes us a nice hot drink!"
Is that a hint Bob?
Bob likes black tea with no sugar and Mark likes a white coffee with no sugar.
Clearly they are both sweet enough!
"Always Cheerful"
That's what so many of our customers say about the lovely Bob and Mark, one customer recently lamented that she was sorry the job was finished because there would be no more Bob and Mark in her garden every day!